
7 Rahasia Dibalik Sisi Misterius Pria

Pria dan wanita memang berbeda dalam banyak hal. Buku 'Women from Venus Men from Mars' mengidentikkan wanita dengan planet Venus yang sarat emosi, lebih perasa, dan banyak bicara. Sebaliknya, pria yang dilekatkan dengan Mars dikenal lebih tertutup soal perasaan, dan hemat bicara.

Berikut beberapa fakta menarik seputar karakteristik pria, seperti dikutip dari All Women Talk:
1. Wanita yang menarik bagi priaPria sebenarnya tak begitu tertarik pada seorang wanita yang terlalu baik. Seorang wanita dengan sisi liar bisa sangat menggoda di mata kebanyakan pria.

2. Cara pria menarik perhatianBila ingin menarik perhatian seorang wanita, pria tak sungkan-sungkan melakukan berbagai macam cara untuk mengesankan wanita idamannya. Bahkan tak jarang mereka rela melakukan hal-hal yang tak biasanya mereka lakukan.

3. Cara menyentuh hati priaKetika seorang wanita mampu menyentuh hati seorang pria, sang pria akan bertekuk lutut pada Anda. Walaupun begitu, jangan bersikap memerintah karena akan melukai egonya. Jika ada yang tidak Anda sukai dari dirinya, katakan dengan lembut.

4. Ucapan "Tidak"Banyak pria yang menerima penolakan dari lawan jenis memahami kata 'tidak' sebagai usaha untuk mencoba lagi.

5. KalemSaat bertengkar, sedang marah atau gugup, banyak pria masih dapat terlihat kalem. Perhatikan baik-baik, apakah ia berkeringat atau tidak. Jika ia berkeringat, maka  sebenarnya si dia sedang menyembunyikan perasaannya.

6. HobiAnda mungkin berpikir pria menghabiskan waktu bermain video game atau sepakbola. Di saat yang sama, pria menganggap wanita membuang waktu dengan riasan dan novel roman.

7. PengalamanWanita banyak belajar dari yang mereka baca dari buku, majalah, novel roman dan menonton film. Pria lebih banyak belajar dari pengalaman dan masalah yang mereka hadapi.


Install Ubuntu 10.04 Lewat Flashdisk

Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah installasi Ubuntu Lucid lewat Flasdisk

1. Download UNetbootin Versi Windows
2. Setelah selesai download, Colokkan Flasdisk anda pada laptop / Pc, minimal besar Ukuran flashdisk 1GB
3. Siapkan file yang sebelumnya sudah anda download Ber-extensi ISO, Misal : ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
4. Jalankan Unetbootin pada windows yang Ber-extensi .EXE, lalu pilih Distribution (jenis distro linux) dan (Versi distro linux), seperti pada gambar di bawah ini. Pada Disk Image cari file ubuntu yg berextensi .ISO yang sudah anda persiapkan sebelumnya.

5. Pada Drive di cek apakah benar itu usb yang anda siapkan untuk di install ubuntu
6. Wireless / Lan harap di matikan. karna kalau tidak unetbootin akan langsung download ke situs Ubuntu
7. jika anda sudah yakin Klik tombol OK
8. Prosesnya kira - kira 5 -10 menit

9. Setelah selesai Restart laptop / pc anda.

10. Supaya flashdisk anda terdeteksi pada saat Booting silahkan setting BiOS anda, Caranya : tekan DEL (Untuk BIOS Komputer) atau Tekan F2 (Untuk bios Laptop) Pada settingan BOOT → First boot device: ganti dengan USB FLASHDISK,Tekan F10, Pilih Y

11. Apabila settingan Bios & cara – cara di atas sudah benar, maka akan Muncul gambar ubuntu.

Submit a Complete Sitemap of your Blogger Blog to Google for Better Indexing

Sitemaps, in simple English, are text files (see example) containing a list of all web pages that exist on your site. It is important that you create a comprehensive sitemap as it will help Google and other search engines crawl your site better and that might mean more traffic coming your way in the long run.

The Problem with Blogger Sitemap Files
Ideally, the sitemap file should contain all URLs of a site but if your blog is hosted on (or if you are using a self-hosted version of Blogger with a custom domain), you'll be surprised to know that the default sitemap file (see example) contains only the 26 most recent pages of your blog.

That's a bad thing because some of your older blog pages, that are missing from the system-generated sitemap file, may never get indexed in search engines. There's however a simple solution to fix this problem.

Generate a Complete Sitemap for your Blogger Blog
Step 1: If you haven't done this already, sign-in to your Google Webmasters account and add your blog. For details, check this video tutorial on how to add a blog to Google.

Step 2: Once your blog is added to Google, open the Sitemap Generator and type the full address of your blogspot blog (or your self-hosted Blogger blog).
submit sitemaps
Step 3: What you get is list of sitemap files that contain each and every page of your blog. You now just have to ping Google, Yahoo and Bing to inform them about these XML sitemaps.

As shown in the video screencast below, you need to manually add each of the sitemap files into your Google Webmaster Tools dashboard but for Bing or Yahoo, you can simply click blue hyperlinks and these search engines will automatically download the relevant sitemap files from your blogspot site.

Building Online Business: 5 Essential Skills You Need to Master to Make Passive Income Online

Before talking about the 5 pillars of online business skills, I want to let you know that there are literally tens of thousands of people getting interested in building their own business on the Internet everyday, however, only a small number of them will succeed, because the vast majority are frightened to death with the amount of work they have to do!
And by reading this article, you've shown that you're interested in learning important skills to build your business. That's rare, and that's great! So let's move on to the main part. We have 5 essential skills to master, they are:

1) Niche researching skill:
The very foundation of any online business is its market, or niche. And finding out a profitable niche to enter will help you, and your business to reach high in the future. One thing I want to remind you is that don't waste your time searching for the "untapped niche" on the Internet, and don't fear competitions.
Of course, it's reasonable to enter a small niche, then dominate it before moving to a bigger market. But it's the way you market to your niche will make you money, not how "untapped" it is!

2) Keyword researching skill:
How people find solutions for their problems on the Internet? You got it, they go to search engines, and then type in their "keywords". And behind each keyword lies a different story. And your job is to identify people's emotions behind those keywords.
Targeting the correct keywords will help you to reach laser-targeted visitors whose problems may be satisfied by your offers! This is extremely important when it comes to PPC advertising with Google, because if you target the wrong keywords, you're done!

3) Website building skill:
Please don't be panic when I mention this skill, in fact, it frightens so many people, but it's not that terrible, really! All you need is knowing some basic html codes, and having a free html editor like KompoZer to start building your very own website.
Just do some Google search, and you will come up with many tutorials that guide you to building your first website.

4) Copywriting skill:
Or to communicate with people online by words! This is, perhaps, the most all-round skill you need to master. Because when it comes to operating your online business, you have to write a lot, and to write in a manner that make your customers/subscribers/readers feel interested to purchase your products, or agree to join your list.
In fact, this skill alone can build up a big online empire for you if you invest your time to learn, and master it. Yes, it may cost you a long time to learn, but the reward is worth trying!

5) Traffic driving skill:
Another important skill an online business owner like you needs to know, because traffic is the lifeblood of your business! No traffic equals no business, and no money. This skill alone has its own story, and there is a dedicated share of market to deal with this matter.
Because people don't want to work hard, yet enjoying fruitful results, therefore they feel frustrated with traffic building. But the best part is, although there are lots of ways to bring traffic to your site, you don't have to master all of them at once. The key is to get comfortable with the first one, then move to the next. And the more you do, and try, the more targeted traffic you will create, which means more money will come!
Now you know them. Remember that this is your business, not someone else's business. Therefore, it requires you to pay particular attention, and put in serious effort to grow it up. I know you might hear this statement a million times before, but "take actions" is the only way to realize your dream. Just do it, and things will become clearer!
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